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Hawa Bamboo Prefinished Natural Horizontal 36.25in Grade A Matte Quote

$3.40 per sq. ft. for Hawa Bamboo Prefinished Natural Horizontal 3-5/8in x 5/8in x 36-1/4in 21.9 sf/bx Grade A MatteHome and Garden, Construction, Flooring, Bamboo

» Price: $4.6 $3.4 USD / SQFT

Click here to view all Hawa Bamboo Flooring Floors.

Hawa Bamboo Prefinished Natural Horizontal 36.25in Grade A Matte Reviews

Cass, I'm in the sam

Cass, I'm in the same boat as you in all aspects, excpet ours is engineered. It came with the house, and is a cherry tone with a shiny finish. Not only is the color unappealing, it shows everything, including the divots that definitely have no positive impact on character. At some point we will rip them out. I'm looking at all options, including bamboo and cork. I am still interested in. The engineered wood as a happy medium between hardwood and laminate, but it would definitely need more texture and a better stain to capture my dollar. by Yeyis posted on Friday, October 09, 2015
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