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Prolex Bamboo Flooring - Prefinished Carbonized bamboo flooring and more

Prolex bamboo flooring consists of prefinished carbonized bamboo flooring as well as prefinished natural bamboo flooring. We have a selection of Prolex bamboo flooring available here at Floors 'n Floors.

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Prolex Flooring Bamboo  Reviews

Not to be super dram

Not to be super dramatic and clcihe, but I literally gasped at the transformation of the bathroom as I scrolled down to the after' picture. Very nicely done! I'm determined to have a bathroom in my soon-to-be remodeled home have a bathroom as stunning as this one! by Paige posted on Sunday, December 20, 2015

Please purchase!, No

Please purchase!, November 29, 2011Bya0 Amazon Verified Purchase() This reievw is from: Leopard 15-Piece Bathroom Set: 2-Rugs/Mats, 1-Fabric Shower Curtain, 12-Fabric Covered Rings I received my package yesterday and I immediately fell in love. The picture does not do this item justice. Everything is of such good quality and I know its going to look great in my bathroom.Help other customers find the most helpful reievwsa0Was this reievw helpful to you?a0 | a0 by Bartek posted on Sunday, December 20, 2015
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