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Yanchi Bamboo Flooring - Reviews and Quotes

Yanchi has an assortment of bamboo flooring products, which is great for the browser. Yanchi is a good place to get started when looking for bamboo floor. On this site we have grade A horizontal Yanchi bamboo, Yanchi premium select bamboo floor, Yanchi bamboo evo-cork strand woven floor and much more.

With Yanchi having such a large and extensive product line, we're quite confident you should be able to find a great Yanchi floor that you enjoy. Leave a review of your favorite Yanchi floor or review others.

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Yanchi Bamboo Flooring  Reviews

Yanchi Bamboo installation

Installation is ridiculously difficult. the bamboo is so very hard that many nails curl or bend going in, or the tongue chips when using the nailer. Many wasted pieces of flooring. Even the installer gave up after 2 days -said he was losing money doing the job. by Samantha posted on Sunday, April 24, 2011

I think its very imp

I think its very important to go for value when it comes to fonirolg, going for the cheapest option can very often mean spending much more, not just in the long term, but in the medium term too. Go for value not for the cheapest possible, it invariably WILL bite you in the bum by Rogie posted on Sunday, December 20, 2015

You're welcome, Pilg

You're welcome, Pilgrim.After reinadg that you were clicking through the images "flash-card" style, I looked at the images again and noticed the small 3-colored bar in the uppper left-hand corners of the drawings. It turns out that the bar is "backward-index-forward" navigation buttons. I had not noticed it before. Anyway, it makes navigating through the images much easier. by Toka posted on Sunday, December 20, 2015

OOhh it is so exciti

OOhh it is so exciting to hear about the house!Have you tghuhot about putting in some laminent type wood floors? I don't know how the cost compares to carpet though. I think it always looks so nice in the living room/kitchen areas.I am excited to see pictures and continue to watch this unfold! Praying for you all! by Liam posted on Sunday, December 20, 2015
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