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Shaw Floors Bamboo Flooring - Carbonized, vertical, horizontal, solid bamboo and more

Shaw has an excellent bamboo product selection, including Shaw natural vertical solid bamboo floor, Shaw vertical carbonized solid bamboo floor, horizontal carbonized solid bamboo floor and more. We also have shaw natural horizontal solid bamboo floor as well, and a selection of other great Shaw bamboo floors.

We have other products by Shaw on the website including hardwood floors and laminate, so be sure to browse them all.

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Thanks for spending

Thanks for spending time on the computer (wnriitg) so others don't have to. by Channery posted on Friday, October 09, 2015

This was the origina

This was the original email I revecied from Emily.I don't know what to say to you and I really don't know who you are.I apologize to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for whatever harm youmay think I have caused them. They are an organization my familyholds near and dear to their hearts. Yes, I sent out Warrior Eliwristbands for JS and Dana for multiple reasons. And no, those arenot their real names. JS has always been overly concerned for thesafety of their children due to his previous employment and theprevious history their twin boys' mother has with them. I sent themout for them because shipping from the company that made thewristbands was much cheaper to the US than Canada, and JS did not wanthis home address to be publicly known. They are not from Dundurn, butthey are in rural Canada. I have talked extensively about this withJS over the past few years. It is one of the points he and I neveragreed on. Some of the pictures he has posted are his true children.What he talks about does, for the most part, happen to the family. Hewas not my brother by blood, but a dear friend I have been close withfor a very long time, who happened to have the same last name as I do. And yes, that really is his last name. Since your blog has beenpublished, he has expressed his extreme remorse for what has occurred. He knows that in trying to protect his own children, he has made thegrave mistake of using other people's children's photographs. Thechildren's photographs he has posted look similar to his own, but theyare not. He has NEVER asked for anything for himself, just directlyto the cause of pediatric cancer to the reputable charity ALSF. I amtruly sorry that I did not force him to speak the truth and allowedhim to continue on with posting other children as his own. He doeshave 11 children, and they did lose their mother yesterday. The onlything I ask is that you please remove my name from your page. I didnot receive a facebook message from anyone this afternoon while I wasat a memorial service for the body donors of my former school. Pleaseleave my Mother and brother out of your site as well. They did notand do not know JS and his family. I was pointed toward your site andyou're right, I have no children and I am 22 years old. Please removeme from your site, do not post my email address, home address, orphone number. I am beyond frustrated as well, and I will have nofurther contact with this family until he is ready to speak out forhimself.I told her everyone in the world could smell that bullshit from their living rooms and that she should confess and apologize. She asked if she could call me and then confessed, but not even 30% truthfully. She seems to (shockingly) have a problem with honesty. by Bejo posted on Sunday, December 20, 2015
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